Sunday, 31 July 2011

Seemed like a good idea at the time.

I had a great time last night, on my night out on the town.  We talked, giggled and drank.  I felt a bit old in the pub though, I don't think I will meet my Mr. Right there!

I have a terrible habit of drunk texting.  I thought I was pretty good last night and only texted two friends telling them that I was drunk and that I was having a cigarette (very naughty of me)! That was until I got in the taxi to come home.  I was suddenly by myself and very angry at the world.  I'm usually a happy drunk so not sure what was going on inside my little head but I took it upon myself to send the ex a text message.  I won't go into what I said, but it was the truth, and something that I had wanted to say to him for a while.  I shouldn't of done it and I woke up this morning with HUGE regret.  I sent a communal text to a few people apologising for my behaviour and left it at that. 

Of course, the ex couldn't leave it at that though and sent me a text back telling me to "grow up" and a few other things.  Deary, deary me.  I haven't and won't reply back. 

Next time I drink, I have given strict instructions to the people around me that they must confiscate my phone and not give it back to me until I am sober.

Life was a lot easier before mobile phones!

Are you a drunk texter like me?

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