Thursday, 21 July 2011

Spoilt much?

My kids are spoilt.  And I don't care.

I have been to my third toy sale of the year today.  After I swore off toy sales last year, and didn't go to a single one, the bug caught me again once the catalogues started appearing in the mail box about six weeks ago.  I produced a pen and took to them with much glee.  Oh yes, Liam definitely needs another Nerf gun, because he played with the last one for about 10 minutes last Christmas day and loved it.  Mmm... definitely need to get Joseph some more Hot Wheels stuff because the gazillion cars and accessories that he already has isn't enough.  As for Clancy, well that Dora doll is calling out her name, even though I detest Dora and would like to mutter some words to her in Spanish down a dark alley.

My children have far too many toys.  They have millions.  Some are stored in boxes in the garage because there is nowhere to put them.  They don't treat them with respect, poor old Buzz Lightyear has spent a night or two out in the rain, but he still soldiers on and declares to save the Universe.  The pretty pink pram that Clancy got for her first Birthday is now just a frame.  Yet, I keep on buying them things.

Why you may ask? Well, because I can! Actually, I can't really because you need money to buy things, and I don't have any of that.  But, I still find a way.  I go overboard at Christmas and Birthdays because I love to see the joy on my babies faces when they open a present and see what their little heart desires.  The squeals and shrieks of excitement make my heart want to burst with love.  To see my tiny little people play with their toys, even for a matter of minutes, makes me the happiest Mummy in the world.

The way I see it, if I can't spoil my kids, who will?!  So, Big W, K Mart and Target can thank me for keeping their businesses afloat this year, and for the next who knows how many years after that!

Do you spoil your children with material things?

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