Wednesday, 10 August 2011

My Fantasy World.

I have just arrived home from my third outing to Chicks At The Flicks and can now officially say I'm hooked!  Tonight we saw Friends With Benefits and have to admit that I now find Justin Timberlake rather attractive.  Yes..... I know.

Anyway, moving right along. 

If you haven't been to a CATF before, it is a great chance to have a giggle and maybe a cry with your girlfriends.  Not only do you get to see a movie, but you also get a goodie bag filled with, well, goodies! I very sadly handed over my Lindt chocolate to Dad tonight because my fat arse doesn't need anymore Lindt chocolate.  Before you enter the cinema, you can have a walk around the foyer and sample a chocolate fondue fountain along with various business displaying their things.  They also run a few comps just before the movie starts so it is well worth the $21!!

For me, it is a great chance to get out of the house, catch up with some friends, and have some time to live in a fantasy world.  There is no "Guilty Mummy" syndrome in the cinema.  I don't have to worry about Liam's eyesight or what he is getting for lunch the next day.  I don't have to wonder if Joseph is going to cling himself to me like a koala at daycare drop off in the morning, or if I poured his milk on his cereal properly.  Clancy's obsession with not letting me sit at the computer, or the fact that her latest word is "Daddy", when she doesn't know what one is, isn't upsetting me.  I can just..... be.  I don't have to wonder when I am going to do the housework and why I can't get motivated to do my TAFE course.  Instead, I can dream about MY knight in shining armour coming to whisk me away where we will live happily ever after... just him and me, with the kids, a kitten and a puppy.


In saying all of that, I wouldn't swap my life for anything, no matter how nice my fantasy world is.  It is my life after all, and I have the three most perfect reasons to love it.

But, seriously, check out Justin Timberlake's abs in this movie... you won't regret it!

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