Monday, 8 August 2011

I want to stamp my feet.

I am not very good at designing things, especially this blog.

I just spent an hour trying to make my blog more pretty and it didn't work, it failed!!!


However, if you want to check out a stylish, pretty blog, check out Marti's blog at Brass In My Pocket, hers is so much more cooler then mine.

Thank you, that is all.

1 comment:

  1. Aw thanks babe xx

    I have a house inspection and a heap of work to do today for my real job, but if you like, I can give you a hand tomorrow? Do you have skype at all? Might make it easier if I talk you through how to make some changes :).

    For starters though, go to for some lovely backgrounds/colour schemes. It also explains pretty simply how to change it. If you get stuck we can sort it out tomorrow :)

